[turba] LDAP Support for turba?

Edwin Culp eculp@encontacto.net
Wed, 15 May 2002 16:24:39 -0700

Quoting Robert Ribnitz <ribnitz@linuxbourg.ch>:

| Hello,
| I want ot configure turba in such a way as to support ldap data
| entries, but the ldap definitions file seems to be missing, I'd
| be glad if anyone could provide that definitions file..

Set it up in horde/turba/config/sources.php and if you add anything
here, you will also need to modify horde/turba/config/atributes.php.

I assume this is what you are looking for.

| Thanks
| Robert
| ---
| Robert Ribnitz		<ribnitz@linuxbourg.ch>
| -- 
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