[turba] 3 Qs & 1 A (all ldap)

Edwin Culp eculp@encontacto.net
Thu, 23 May 2002 07:39:58 -0700

Quoting Tarjei Huse <tarjei@nu.no>:

| Hi
| Thank you a lot. Here's a few extra q's:
| > | Q: I want to put the personal adressbooks of my users into a ldap
| > | directory. Now, to do this, I need to make them log on to the server > I
| don't understand quite why.  You may not need it, IMO.
| My idea is that the user can access the same adresbook from netscape,
| outlook and imp. Now, when the user logs on I whant him to find
| something like "Tarjeis addressbook" and not the adressbooks of all the
| other users. That's why I need to use the username and password.

It has been a long time since I've set up an imp/netscape/outlook
ldap addressbook.  I really don't remember.  If I have a chance I'll 
try my config in netscape.  I'll pass on outlook:-)

| > | Q: How hard is it for turba to create a  "ou" in a directory if it
| > | doesn't exist, f.x. when the user looks at his/hers adressbook for the
| > | first time?
| > 
| > Wouldn't their address book be empty when they look at it and if they
| > haven't saved an entry?  If they have saved an entry you put the ou
| > automatically such as the following or at least I do:
| >  'root' => 'mail=' . Auth::getAuth() . ',ou=addressbook,o=mydomain.o
| > rg',
| > I give all personal addressbook entries the following dn
| > cn=the person
| added,mail=owneremail@mydomain.org,ou=addressbook,o=mydomain.org
| > It makes it easy to not confuse virtual domains, users, etc.  The email
| should
| > alway be unique.   Auth::getAuth() returns the complete email address of
| the
| > user.
| ???? so things go from 
| ou=addressbook,o=mydomain.org
| too
| mail=owneremail@mydomain.org,ou=addressbook,o=mydomain.org
| with subentries:
| cn='the
| person',mail=owneremail@mydomain.org,ou=addressbook,o=mydomain.org
| without any work at all?

Of course there was work.  I had to change sources.php :-) but nothing

| I do not need to add the 
| mail=owneremail@mydomain.org,ou=addressbook,o=mydomain.org
| part to the ldap tree bedore I do the rest?

Good catch:-)
Since I use ldap for authenticating my users, the above line is part of
my adduser script and leaves an entry like the following for each user
in addition to an mail=ownermail@mydomain.org,ou=people,o=mydomain.org entry.

dn: mail=edwin@mydomain.org,ou=addressbook,o=mydomain.org
objectClass: worldinternetkey
cn: edwin

and an addressbook entry added from the little imp icon looks like:

dn: cn=Tarjei Huse,mail=edwin@mydomain.org,ou=addressbook,o=mydomain.org
cn: Tarjei Huse
mail: tarjei@nu.no>:
objectClass: worldinternetkey
virtualdomainuser: edwin@worldinternet.org

I use virtualdomainuser as a filter to seperate each virtual user's address
boot.  The objectClass is just my version of InternetOrgUser.

| ?? We might be misunderstanding each other.

Are we closer to an understanding?


| > You only need to have corresponding entries in both sources and
| attributes.php.
| Aaah! Thanks, I'll try that tonight.
| > I hope this addresses your issues and is of some help.
| Yes, wery much so!
| Tarjei

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