[turba] Some pres help needed + a ton of help given :)

Edwin Culp eculp@encontacto.net
Fri, 31 May 2002 10:06:57 -0700

Quoting Tarjei Huse <tarjei+a_lists.phpgw@nu.no>:

| Hi,
| I've just set up personal and shared adressbooks for all my users (thanks
| Edwin!). Now, I only got only a few small problems left:

Great! I'm glad it helped although your were almost there anyway:-)
BTW, I have made one change in what I told you and changed 
        'dn' => array('cn'),
        'dn' => array('mail'),

because there was an issue with the same cn and different emails so they
couldn't be added.  I also was looking at the problems that I noticed
now that I enabled pgp and want to save pgp keys.  STill no luck with 
pgp but no more dup entry problem from cn in the dn.

I hope someone has a solution to the contrary but on the below questions
I don't see anyway to deal with them other than adding the prefs to ldap
from your adduser script the same would be true for mail[folders|dirs] 
which I already do and I've been thinking about the prefs but haven't 
actually tried it yet.  I probably should but I'll wait and see if anyone
has a better idea:-)

| 1. Where do I set the default adressbook to add entries for users? I want my
| users to be able to add users using the button in the email interface
| withouth
| having to set the option.
| 2. Where can I set the default fields that should be shown when searchresults
| are displayed?
| 3. How can I set a default mailfolder fo my users AND auto-magicly create it
| if
| it doesn't exist?
| Some comments on the documentation:
| The sources.php.dist file should contain some more notes on local ldap
| adressbooks:
| 1. add the param: 'encoding' = 'utf8' to the examples (or in a comment)
| 2. You should show a local ldap adressbook instead of bigfoot. It should
| contain
| not only the person objectclass but also the 'pilotPerson' and
| 'organizationalPerson' objectclasses.
| 3. The default map for the ldap adressbook should be  (thanks to edvind):
|     'map' => array(
|         '__key' => 'dn',
|         'name' => 'cn',
|         'email' => 'mail',
|         'sirname' => 'sn',
|         'title' => 'title',
|         'company' => 'o',
|         'businesscategory' => 'businesscategory',
|         'companyaddress' => 'postaladdress',
|         'zip' => 'postalcode',
|         'workphone' => 'telephonenumber',
|         'fax' => 'facsimiletelephonenumber',
|         'homeaddress' => 'homepostaladdress',
|         'homephone' => 'homephone',
|         'cellphone' => 'mobile',
|         'alias' => 'givenname',
|         'notes' => 'description',
|         'pgpPublicKey' => 'object_pgppublickey'
| I am writing a howto on this that also includes suggested ACL rules for
| slapd.conf.
| TArjei 
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