[turba] Integration with M$ products??

Nelson Guedes Paulo Junior npaulo@linux.ime.usp.br
Tue, 2 Jul 2002 16:30:32 -0300 (BRT)

Hi all,

I'm a newbie in Horde's products.
I found some information about Turba, but I couldn't found any
information about
using it's Adrees Book capabilities trough a Outlook Express or a
mail client. It's possible to do that?

What I want, is a server software that runs on Linux, is free and can
an Adress Book on Linux that all Outlook/Outlook Express users in
my network could share like the same service on Micro$oft Exchange

If Turba is capable to do such thing, where I get such information?
If Turba ins't, someone knows a free software that do such thing?

Thanks to anyone who could help me.

Nelson Guedes Paulo Junior   
E-mail:  <npaulo@linux.ime.usp.br>   UIN: 2489382 (Tender [:alpha:]*)
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