[turba] Feature Request

Derek J. Balling dredd@megacity.org
Sat, 17 Aug 2002 14:06:30 -0400

We give our employees access to read the company LDAP server to get 
employee-directory info. Is there any way, using Turba, to grant them 
limited rights to update the LDAP server? (e.g., to update their 
cel-phone number, office #, etc.)

Obviously I don't want them able to delete their own entry, or to muck 
about with other folks' entries.

I'm using IMP authentication, but the LDAP directory contains the same 
passwords IMP authenticates against.

Any thoughts?


| Derek J. Balling             | "You can get more with a kind  |
| dredd@megacity.org           |  word and a two-by-four, than  |
| www.megacity.org/blog/       |  you can with just a kind      |
|                              |  word."               - Marcus |