[turba] imp name expansion - turba sql problem
Liam Hoekenga
Sat, 17 Aug 2002 03:04:58 -0400
I want to do a strict match against 'object_alias' (ie the "Alias" / "Nickname"
field in my sql addressbook). If if I do add "object_alias" to the "strict"
array, I think it's throwing an "AND" where I should have an "OR".
something like:
select ... from turba_objects where
(object_alias = 'alias' AND owner_id = 'liamr')
AND ( object_name like '%alias%'))
instead of:
select ... from turba_objects where
(owner_id = 'liamr')
AND ((object_alias = 'alias')
OR (object_name like '%alias%'))
Here's the query I get when I've got
'strict' => array(
set in sources.php...
Aug 17 02:51:05 HORDE [debug] [turba] SQL search by liamr: table =
turba_objects; query = "SELECT object_id, owner_id, object_name, object_email,
object_alias, object_homeAddress, object_workAddress, object_homePhone,
object_workPhone, object_cellPhone, object_fax, object_title, object_company,
object_notes FROM turba_objects WHERE (object_alias = 'clunis' AND owner_id =
'liamr') AND (LOWER(object_name) LIKE LOWER('%clunis%'))" [on line 122 of
Here's the query I get when I've got:
'strict' => array(
in sources.php...
Aug 17 02:52:56 HORDE [debug] [turba] SQL search by liamr: table =
turba_objects; query = "SELECT object_id, owner_id, object_name, object_email,
object_alias, object_homeAddress, object_workAddress, object_homePhone,
object_workPhone, object_cellPhone, object_fax, object_title, object_company,
object_notes FROM turba_objects WHERE (owner_id = 'liamr') AND
(LOWER(object_alias) LIKE LOWER('%clunis%') OR LOWER(object_name) LIKE
LOWER('%clunis%'))" [on line 122 of