[turba] sorting browse view
Chuck Hagenbuch
Wed Oct 16 22:48:11 2002
Quoting Devin Drown <drown@banzai.org>:
> Well that would be a much shorter solution :)
> I got a little lost in all the different places the data was going in the
> advanced and regular searches so that's my only excuse.
> so as you said simply add the line:
> $results->sort('lastname',null,null,'0');
It's not quite that simple; this ignores the fact that people can choose a
different column to sort by. I think I've sorted (doh, no pun intended) it
out in CVS HEAD - can you see if it works as you expect now?
Charles Hagenbuch, <chuck@horde.org>
"People ask me all the time what it will be like living without otters."
- Google, thanks to Harpers