[turba] Configure LDAP

eculp@encontacto.net eculp@encontacto.net
Wed Oct 23 15:24:37 2002

Quoting Sascha Bieler <sascha.bieler@radiogong.de>:

 | Hi there,
 | Do I need a special schema for LDAP with horde?

Probably a good idea to add it.  There is a sample at
horde/scripts/ldap/horde.schema that I hust add with the complete path to
horde/scripts/ldap/horde.schema to my slapd.conf file or you can copy it
to your schema folder in openldap/schema.

 | How Do I setup the sources.php so it uses a password? (In slapd.conf I
 | have an crypted password, that's working for localhost, when I am
 | ldapadding ldif-files)

That is probably one of the reasons why your are experiencing difficulties
writing.  I see that you have a blank password in your configurtion. I have 
some comments there.  

Another issue could be your acl's in your slapd.conf.  If you have none, 
I think the default is anonymous auth, self write and read all so if you 
bind with the rootdn/passord or the userdn/password you should be ok.
More in the configuration section.

 | I'm a little bit confised now...
 | Here's my config of turba/config/sources.php
 | $cfgSources['localldap'] = array(
 |      'title' => 'Gemeinsame Adressen',
 |      'type' => 'ldap',
 |      'params' => array(
 |          'server' => 'localhost',
 |          'port' => 389,
 |          'root' => 'dc=radiogong,dc=de',
 |          'bind_dn' => 'cn=admin,ou=users,dc=radiogong,dc=de',

Is the above dn the rootdn for your directory or is it an entry with a
password that has write authorization in your acl;s?  If it is, it should
work with the correct password added to the bind_password variable below.  
If it isn't you need the configured rootdn and password from your 
slapd.conf file,  In your slapd.conf file the password is encrypted 
and here it will be in plain text.  

You can also use the userdn/password as in the example
$cfgSources['personal_ldap'] in your sources.php.dist file.  This 
example assumes your have created an ou=personal_addressbook branch
to separate users addresses that I think is a good idea/  You will just
need to add that for each user.  If you have a lot of users you can of
course write a script to do it quickly.  This configuration also dynamically
uses the password of the user to bind.  If you can't get it going let the 
list know and someone will help.

I hope this helps get you started. 


 |          'bind_password' => '',
 |          'dn' => array('cn'),
 |          'objectclass' => 'person',
 |          'version' => 3
 |      ),
 |      'map' => array(
 |          '__key' => 'dn',
 |          'name' => 'cn',
 |          'email' => 'mail',
 |          'homePhone' => 'telephonenumber',
 |          'workPhone' => 'workphonenumber',
 |          'cellPhone' => 'cellphonenumber',
 |          'homeAddress' => 'homeaddress'
 |      ),
 |      'search' => array(
 |          'name',
 |          'email',
 |          'homePhone',
 |          'workPhone',
 |          'cellPhone',
 |          'homeAddress'
 |      ),
 |      'strict' => array(
 |          'dn'
 |      ),
 |      'public' => true,
 |      'readonly' => false,
 |      'admin' => array(),
 |      'export' => true
 | );
 | I just want all my users can edit the global addressbook, ;-)
 | Thank you for all clues and hints... and have a nice day
 | Sascha
 | --
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