[turba] Compression with Turba displays blank page

Jan Schneider jan@horde.org
Sun Nov 17 23:22:37 2002

Zitat von Paul Hancock <phancock@lib.ci.phoenix.az.us>:

> php4-STABLE-200211150230 (4.3)
> php4-200211171830 (4.4)
> Horde, Imp & Turba updated from CVS today (2002-11-17)
> When the horde compress_pages on, I get a blank white page when
> attempting
> to access Turba.  If I turn compress_pages off, or comment out
> Horde::compressOutput() from turba/lib/base.php, the initial page
> displays.  Imp seems to work okay with compress_pages on.
> This may be something specific to my configuration, but if so, I can't
> find it.  Ideas?

You probably have compression turned on PHP wide.


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