Turba groups with ldap (was) Re: [turba] Turba Groups in head version updated yesterday.

Adam Tauno Williams adam@morrison-ind.com
Sun Nov 24 19:49:03 2002

>  | __members is the key one for groups, I defined that in my schema as a
> binary
>  | data type; you also need __type. Here is what I added to my schema
>  | definitions:
>  | 
>  | attributetype (
>  |     NAME 'pgppublickey'
>  |         EQUALITY caseIgnoreMatch
>  |         SUBSTR caseIgnoreSubstringsMatch
>  |         SYNTAX{1024} )
>  | 
>  | attributetype (
>  |     NAME 'turbaObjectType'
>  |         EQUALITY objectIdentifierMatch
>  |         SYNTAX )
>  | 
>  | attributetype (
>  |     NAME 'turbaObjectMembers'
>  |         EQUALITY caseIgnoreMatch
>  |         SUBSTR caseIgnoreSubstringsMatch
>  |         SYNTAX{1024} )
>  | 
>|I'm not really an LDAP person, so I'm not sure that's the best way to do
>|it,  | but it seems to work.

What object class is used?  I don't see one defined above.  Any chance the turba
specific information could be AUXILLARY and this could be made to work with a
standards track schema such as groupOfUniqueNames or nisMailAlias?  That way
groups would be available to other mail clients as well (Evo, Outlook, etc...)
and even possibly expanded via the MDA as that is useful in some cases.  Of
course this would limit the ability to contain groups withing groups,  but it
would b a very nice option for shops with very disparate systesm that use LDAP
to tie them altogether.

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