[turba] LDAP personal addresses/integration other clients

eculp at encontacto.net eculp@encontacto.net
Mon Dec 2 14:30:14 2002

Quoting Harry Hoffman <hhoffman@ip-solutions.net>:

 | Hi Everyone,
 |  I'm thinking about moving our user's personal addressbooks to LDAP. Has
 | anyone
 | else done this? 
 | And if so were they able to use these contacts with other
 | programs (i.e.-> Outlook, Simeon, etc.)?

That was one of my reasons for going with ldap.  The same directory is
used for apache, imp, imap, smtp, pop3, ftp, etc.

 |  Also, can personal "groups" be setup in the LDAP directory (i.e.-> does
 | turba
 | allow for contact groups to be saved in LDAP)?

A qualified, yes, at least in Head.  You need to add turbaObjectMembers 
and turbaObjectType to your schema and your horde/imp/turba/config/sources.php
file.  A resultant group that I just made with you and I looks something like
the following:

dn: cn=imp-ldap,mail=eculp@encontacto.net,ou=addressbook,o=mydomain.org
objectClass: hordePerson
virtualdomainuser: eculp@encontacto.net
virtualdomain: encontacto.net
turbaObjectType: Group
turbaObjectMembers: a:2:{i:0;s:86:"mail=eculp@encontacto.net, \
  mail=eculp@encontacto.net,ou=addressbook,o=mydomain.org"; \
  i:1;s:77: \
  "cn=Harry Hoffman, \
cn: imp-ldap

In your directory.  You can access the group and the members for 
editing.  It uses the original entry for the member and basically uses
the above filters to find Harry Hoffman and eculp@encontacto.net if I
understand correctly.  The only issue that I have is that I haven't
been able to add new members to the group but that has something to 
do with my local configuration and I haven't taken time to find it.

I hope this helps,

 | TIA,
 | Harry
 | --
 | Harry Hoffman
 | ITSS Systems Team Leader
 | University of Auckland
 | hhoffman@auckland.ac.nz
 | hhoffman@ip-solutions.net
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