Partha parth11 at yahoo.com
Wed Dec 4 17:42:59 2002


sorry,I meant was I needed to add password for
I did ldapmodify to add userpassword attribute,is it
any different than that you suggested.I see a user
password attribute on list in the directory but I
still have same error in my log(does not write acces
to parent directory).

I did uncomment this line:
#'bind_password' => Auth::getCredential('password'),
from /home/turba/config/sources.php file

I am a newbie to ldap.....

Thanks a lot


--- eculp@encontacto.net wrote:
> Quoting Partha <parth11@yahoo.com>:
>  | Hi,
>  | Thanks for your patience and time.This is first
> time I
>  | am posting so I am not sure reply to your mail id
> or
>  | to turba's list.
>  | 
>  | I have directory structure:
>  | dc=my-domain,dc=com
>  |     |
>  |     |-ou=Personal Address book
>  |     |         |-ou=my-login@my-domain.com
>  |     |                  |-cn=james Bond
>  |     |
>  |     |-ou=people
>  |               |-cn=my-login@my-domain.com
>  | 
>  | I do not have password entry for ou=people,I
> don't
>  | know how to add one or modify.
>  | 
>  | My problem might be the password- How do I add
>  | password and use it .
> If I remember correctly from your previous email,
> you have commented
> out the password for the user in your
> horde/turba/sources.php 
> I don't see why you need a password for ou=people
> but you do need one
> for
> If you don't have one you can add it with the
> following command changing
> the example to your real values.
> ldappasswd -x -D 'cn=manager,dc=my-domain,dc=com' -w
> rootpassword \
>    -s YourPassword
> The above is actually one line as shown by the "\"
> escape char.
> You will then need to remove the # from the 
> #'bind_password' => Auth::getCredential('password'),
> line and if we are lucky, it might just work :-)
> good luck,
> ed
>  | 
>  | Thanks in advance
>  | Partha
>  | 
>  | | Hi All
>  |  | I want to use LDAP for my personal address
> book.I
>  | went
>  |  | through lot of reading material but still
> can't get
>  | it
>  |  | right.
>  | I've got a few questions below that could
> possibly be
>  | part of the
>  | problem but again they could just be typos
> because
>  | this may not
>  | be a cut and paste of your sources.php.
>  | 
>  |  |
>  |  | I have problem adding contact to my personal
>  | address
>  |  | book.
>  |  |
>  |  | my sources.php looks like this--->
>  |  | $cn = Auth::getAuth();
>  | 
>  | You are sure that the above returns the value of
> the
>  | directory
>  | attribute
>  | for cn in all cases?  CN then is what you use for
>  | login.
>  | 
>  |  | #$temp = Auth::getCredential('password');
>  |  | #preg_match = ("/(^.*)@/"),$cn,$cn);
>  |  | #Print $cn ."-This is cn--";
>  |  |
>  |  | /**
>  |  |  * A local directory in an LDAP directory.
> This
>  |  | implements a public (shared)
>  |  |  * address book.
>  |  |  */
>  |  | $cfgSources['localldap'] = array(
>  |  |     'title' => 'Shared LDAP Directory',
>  |  |     'type' => 'ldap',
>  |  |     'params' => array(
>  |  |         'server' => 'localhost',
>  |  |         'port' => 389,
>  |  |         'root' => 'ou='.$cn.',ou=Personal
> Address
>  |  | Book,dc=my-domain,dc=com',
>  | 
>  | How can you have a dynamic value for the above ou
>  | attribute?  That
>  | would
>  | mean that there is an entry in your directory
>  | something like the
>  | following
>  | for each user.
>  | 
>  | dn: ou=user1,ou=Personal Address
>  | Book,dc=my-domain,dc=com
>  | ou: user1
>  | objectClass: top
>  | objectClass: organizationalUnit
>  | 
>  | dn: ou=user2,ou=Personal Address
>  | Book,dc=my-domain,dc=com
>  | ou: user1
>  | objectClass: top
>  | objectClass: organizationalUnit
>  | 
>  | Do you have that?
>  | 
>  |  |         'bind_dn' =>
>  |  | 'cn='.$cn.',ou=people,dc=my-domain,dc=com',
>  | 
>  | The above would seem to be ok but I'm confused
> because
>  | of the # before
>  | bind_password.  If the password isn't present you
>  | could get "no write
>  | access".
>  | The first would/should be correct with the above
> line.
>  | 
>  |  | 	#'bind_password' =>
>  | Auth::getCredential('password'),
>  |  |         #'bind_password' => '********',
>  |  |         'dn' => array('cn'),
>  |  |         'objectclass' => 'person',
>  |  |         'version' => 3
>  |  |     ),
>  |  |     'map' => array(
>  |  |         '__key' => 'dn',
>  |  |         'name' => 'cn',
>  |  |         'email' => 'mail',
>  |  |         'homePhone' => 'telephonenumber',
>  |  |         'workPhone' => 'workphonenumber',
>  |  |         'cellPhone' => 'cellphonenumber',
>  |  |         'homeAddress' => 'homeaddress'
>  |  |     ),
>  |  |     'search' => array(
>  |  |         'name',
>  |  |         'email',
>  |  |         'homePhone',
>  |  |         'workPhone',
>  |  |         'cellPhone',
>  |  |         'homeAddress'
>  |  |     ),
>  |  |     'strict' => array(
>  |  |         'dn'
>  |  |     ),
>  |  |     'public' => true,
>  |  |     'readonly' => false,
>  |  |     'admin' => array(),
>  |  |     'export' => true
>  |  | );
>  |  |
>  |  |
>  |  | My ACCESS CONTROL looks slapd.conf---->
>  |  |
>  |  | access to dn="ou=.*,ou=Personal Address
>  |  | Book,dc=desmac,dc=com"
>  |  | 	by * read
>  |  | 	by dn="cn=$1,ou=people,dc=my-domain,dc=com"
> write
>  | 
>  | The above should work if you have actually
> declared
>  | each user as an
>  | organizationalUnit, which there is nothing wrong
> with,
>  | BTW.  I just
>  | haven't run across it before.
>  | 
>  | I hope this helps you find the problem.  I could
> very
>  | well have
>  | overlooked
>  | other things, I'm a bit tired and not familiar
> with
=== message truncated ===

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