[turba] Anyone know how...LAP troubleshoot

eculp at encontacto.net eculp at encontacto.net
Fri Dec 20 11:47:29 PST 2002

Quoting Zadikem Travis <taz@weldre5j.k12.co.us>:

 | I don't seem to be getting any response for the LDAP problem with
 | turba.  Can anyone please tell me how to go about troubleshooting
 | ldap connections from Linux to another server?  
Try the command line ldapsearch something like:

ldapsearch -x  -D 'cn=Manager,o=domain.org' -w adminPassword -h theLdapHost.com

Might work but I would suggest

# man ldapsearch

if all else fails <grin>

 | Turba
 | only gives me blank pages when doing searches via LDAP.
 | I need to know via a debug mode or something on how to
 | troubleshoot this. I have tried turning DEBUG on in horde, but
 | it doesn't print anything out for this.
 | Thanks,
 | Travis



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