[turba] From: format/addressbook

James M Moya moyman at ecn.purdue.edu
Tue Feb 25 17:12:49 PST 2003

This is IMP 3.2 (although it also does it for v3.1), horde 2.2.1 (although
it also did it for v2.2) and turba 1.2RC1 (although it also did it for v1.1)
Apache 1.2.27 and PHP 4.3.1.

Several annoying issues. If I receive mail from a user the From line
shows up as:

From: "Joe D User" <joeduser at domain.edu>

If I click on the little address book beside the from address to 
add it to my addressbook I will get the message:

Entry "Joe D User" was successfully added to the addressbook

If I then go to the addressbook I get the following entry if I do a wildcard
search to list all entries (ie just click on the search button):

Name			Email
User, Joe D		&quot,&quot,&lt;joeduser at domain.edu&gt;

If I select that entry by clicking on the Name and then edit it
The following fields show up:

Name 	Joe D User
Email  	"" <joeduser at domain.edu>

It appears that every single from address gets rewritten no matter what
is comes in as. Is there a way for me to tell it to leave the from address
alone? Seems very broken to me. What configuration options are available?

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