[turba] From: format/addressbook
eculp at encontacto.net
eculp at encontacto.net
Tue Feb 25 15:46:55 PST 2003
Quoting James M Moya <moyman at ecn.purdue.edu>:
| This is IMP 3.2 (although it also does it for v3.1), horde 2.2.1 (although
| it also did it for v2.2) and turba 1.2RC1 (although it also did it for v1.1)
| Apache 1.2.27 and PHP 4.3.1.
| Several annoying issues. If I receive mail from a user the From line
| shows up as:
| From: "Joe D User" <joeduser at domain.edu>
| If I click on the little address book beside the from address to
| add it to my addressbook I will get the message:
| Entry "Joe D User" was successfully added to the addressbook
| If I then go to the addressbook I get the following entry if I do a wildcard
| search to list all entries (ie just click on the search button):
| Name Email
| User, Joe D ",",<joeduser at domain.edu>
| If I select that entry by clicking on the Name and then edit it
| The following fields show up:
| Name Joe D User
| Email "" <joeduser at domain.edu>
| It appears that every single from address gets rewritten no matter what
| is comes in as. Is there a way for me to tell it to leave the from address
| alone? Seems very broken to me. What configuration options are available?
| --mike
It sounds like an issue with your cclient. I have been successful with
2001a and 2002b. - 2002a didn't work for me. I think there is a 2003a
but I haven't tried it.
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