[turba] problem upgrading from turba 1.0 to turba 1.1

Patrick Boutilier boutilpj at ednet.ns.ca
Wed Mar 5 09:24:22 PST 2003

 From docs/UPDATE :

The SQL schema for the SQL address book has changed. Please update
your SQL table to the new schema after you update to Turba 1.2.  The
fields object_type and object_members have been added (needed for
distribution lists) and the fields 'object_homeaddress',
'object_workaddress', 'object_homephone', 'object_workphone' and
'object_cellphone' have changed to all lowercase. However, unless you
change your config/sources.php to match sources.php.dist, you do _not_
need to change these last fields in your database.


Basically all you should need to do is add the additional two fields to 
your existing database

Gérard Gachelin wrote:
> Hello,
> We just move from turba 1.0 to turba 1.1
> Mysql tables have different names and formats between the 2 versions.
> So users lost their address books.
> Is there any script to convert tables from the 1.0 model to the 1.1 model ?
> Thanks for any help
> -
> Gerard Gachelin                Universite de la Reunion - CSI
> 15, Avenue Rene Cassin - BP 7151    97715 Saint-Denis MESSAG-CEDEX 9
> Tel: 0262 93 82 72            Fax: 0262 93 82 60
> Email : Gerard.Gachelin at univ-reunion.fr

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