[turba] problem upgrading from turba 1.0 to turba 1.1

Gérard Gachelin Gerard.Gachelin at univ-reunion.fr
Thu Mar 6 17:30:01 PST 2003


My previous email (see below), was bad.
In fact, we Moved from imp 2.2.5 to imp 3.2.
In imp 2.2.5, there was no turba app., addresses were managed by the 
imp_addr table.

It's quite easy to convert imp_addr to turba_objects.
The only problem is with the object_id column in the turba_objects table.
This column did not exist in the imp_addr table.
I don't know how to initialize this column.

Thanx for any help.


Gérard Gachelin wrote:
> Hello,
> We just move from turba 1.0 to turba 1.1
> Mysql tables have different names and formats between the 2 versions.
> So users lost their address books.
> Is there any script to convert tables from the 1.0 model to the 1.1 model ?
> Thanks for any help
> -
> Gerard Gachelin                Universite de la Reunion - CSI
> 15, Avenue Rene Cassin - BP 7151    97715 Saint-Denis MESSAG-CEDEX 9
> Tel: 0262 93 82 72            Fax: 0262 93 82 60
> Email : Gerard.Gachelin at univ-reunion.fr

Gerard Gachelin				Universite de la Reunion - CSI
15, Avenue Rene Cassin - BP 7151	97715 Saint-Denis MESSAG-CEDEX 9
Tel: 0262 93 82 72			Fax: 0262 93 82 60
Email : Gerard.Gachelin at univ-reunion.fr

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