[turba] __type attribute for LDAP

Chuck Hagenbuch chuck at horde.org
Thu Mar 13 14:46:10 PST 2003

Quoting Adam Tauno Williams <adam at morrison-ind.com>:

> No, I think someone on the Horde team needs to define this schema.  It is
> there OID space,  everything else is just a local hack.

The us/them distinction you draw here, and I think in other posts, makes no
sense to me. This is an open source project. Some of us direct things, yes,
but for the most part, we're happier the more people contribute, not the
more we do things ourselves. I have a zillion things I'd love to work on,
and I'm thrilled when someone sends me a good patch for one of them first!

I'm not an LDAP expert. None of the other core developers are, either.
Myself and I'm sure a few others would like to pick it up, but again, time.
I went out and registered the OID to try and make things easier for Turba
LDAP users. So someone needs to put something forward to the list. I'm sure
we have enough LDAP users here to hash it out and agree on something that's
both technicaly correct, workable, and that we're happy with. Then I'll do
what needs doing - and someone is going to have to explain that to me - and
wahoo! The *community* has taken another step forward.


Charles Hagenbuch, <chuck at horde.org>
"... It is not more light we need, but more warmth! We die of cold, not of
darkness. It is not the night that kills, but the frost." - Miguel de Unamuno

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