Got it Re:[turba] Re: Using imp and turba with an Exchange 2000 mail server yvon.quere at
Tue Apr 1 12:50:56 PST 2003

Hi again everyone

Let's take a closer look at my conf to access this AD :

>     'params' => array(
>         'server' => 'dummyad',
> 	'root' => 'dc=linux,dc=local',
>         'bind_dn' =>
> 'cn=Administrateur,cn=Users,dc=linux,dc=local',
> 	'bind_password' => 'airial',
>        	'dn' => array('cn'),
> 	'objectClass' => array('organizationalPerson'),

CAPITAL "C" in objectClass !! This is WRONG !

This leads Turba to build a request with an empty filter :

[turba] LDAP result entry Resource id #1: dn = CN=stephane
claude,CN=Users,DC=linux,DC=local (dummyad); filter = "";
attributes = "dn, cn, mail, sn"

.. and Active Directory doesn't like *AT ALL* this syntax. The
further LDAP query to get an individual details (the
@ldap_read call) always fails.

Changed this case stuff and now works fine : 

[turba] LDAP result entry Resource id #2: dn = CN=stephane
claude,CN=Users,DC=linux,DC=local (dummyad); filter =
"(|(objectclass=organizationalPerson))"; attributes = "dn, cn,
mail, sn"

Shouldn't you change the "bind_dn" as I told you? If it works
for you, ok...
It the port you are using is also working for you, then ok...

>No. There is a related article somewhere in microsoft, but I
can't seem >to find 

Confirmed in this document
(search for "anonymous")

>Why not use the username and password of the logged in user?
I have >explained a 
>way in my guide...

Can't do that on my setup but that's rather a choice than an

Thanks a lot for your help. It's been quite difficult to trace
this one out, but glad it works now !

Back to your "Turba/AD" HOWTO. I guess you can now include a
couple things : the anon bind (allowed by Turba) that is not
possible against an AD, users being almost all the time
"organizationalPerson" etc...

Here's my final "sources" entry :

    'params' => array(
        'server' => 'dummyad',
	'root' => 'dc=linux,dc=local',
        'bind_dn' => 'cn=turba,cn=Users,dc=linux,dc=local',
	'bind_password' => 'airial',
	'objectclass' => array('organizationalPerson'),
       	'encoding' => 'utf8',
	'version' => 3,
	'filter' => 'objectClass=organizationalPerson',

* Turba is an unprivileged user created only to receive
queries from Turba

See ya all


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