[turba] Editing LDAP entries?

cpickert cpickert at myrgroup.us
Thu Jul 10 11:51:28 PDT 2003

Actualy, the addition of the @hostname is because of my addition of a 'realm'
tag on my server declaration inside imp.. Changes things quite a bit, by

Again, humbled by superior code/design. :-/

Quoting cpickert <cpickert at myrgroup.us>:

> Maybe I've totally missed the point.. I'm attempting this with a
> public/shared
> LDAP directory which uses a single, privlidged account as it's basedn. I can
> add entries (and now, Lists/Groups) but my map array doesn't use __owner, as
> I
> was having issues in that the owner was attempting to be set to
> user at domainname
> and was giving me 'invalid per syntax' in slapd (with schemacheck off and on.
> ANYWAYS, so, does the editing deal only with private LDAP books? Also, is it
> tied to '__owner' based privlidges or just the LDAP basedn's acl? And, if it
> is, how can I fix the __owner strings to only be 'username'? (I may've
> accidently caused this behaviour, I suppose but, for instance I also have to
> change the admin array in horde's conf.php to my full username at domainname) -
> Which is obviously in the design, only admin's can edit/delete from public
> books, eventhough everyone can add.
> Well, upon looking at the sources.php before sending, I didn't have my
> username at domainname in the admin array in my sources (as i mentioned before,
> i
> DID have it in the horde/conf.php but, not in my sources.php.) and upon
> adding
> the @dominname to the array.. The edit/delete work like a champ so..
> The reasoning for the fact usernames are full email addr's is simply becauase
> IMP is my auth backend.. Which makes plenty sense.. Just maddening since I've
> missed it for this long, but I'm happy since all of the other config stuff is
> A-OK, as I've thought it's been the whole time..
> But, it raises a few other questions/issues..
> Since the __owner is being passed to ldap as full username at hostname when
> using
> IMP->IMAP auth backend for all of horde, and since openldap errors out with
> invalid syntax on this and I've removed it, I've no owner to associate. Which
> is really fine for the public directory system but, what is the __owner
> behaviour like for private books.. The basedn is determined by a getAuth()
> call
> but.. I'd assume the __owner field is handled correctly..
> This may all be in vain as the sources.php.dist doesn't contain an __owner
> field
> in it's map and it works just fine without it in my situation..
> Also, as private books are stored in a separate ou for each user, an __owner
> field is not necessary.
> I know this message was somewhat of a brainstorm, just thoughts pouring out..
> Sorry..
> It might, though, prove userful for someone else to hear my trials and
> tribulations =)
> Thanks again!
> sources.php ->
> 'map' => array(
>         '__key' => 'dn',
>         '__type' => 'turbatype',
>         '__members' => 'turbamembers',
>         'name' => 'cn',
>         'surname' => 'sn',
>         'email' => 'mail',
>         'title' => 'title',
>         'company' => 'o',
>         'workAddress' => 'postaladdress',
>         'city' => 'l',
>         'state' => 'st',
>         'zip' => 'postalcode',
>         'country' => 'c',
>         'workPhone' => 'telephonenumber',
>         'fax' => 'facsimiletelephonenumber',
>         'homePhone' => 'homephone',
>         'cellPhone' => 'mobiletelephonenumber',
>         'homeAddress' => 'homepostaladdress',
>         'notes' => 'description'
>     'public' => true,
>     'readonly' => false,
>     'admin' => array('cpickert at myrgroup.us'), ***** !*@#*!@#*
>     'export' => true
> Quoting Adam Williams <adam at morrison-ind.com>:
> > > Does turba allow you to edit LDAP entries? As, currently, I'm only able
> to
> > > 'edit' my sql addressbooks.. I'm running CVS pull from 5 minutes ago,
> btw.
> > > Thanks.
> >
> > Yes.  What does your sources.php look like?
> >
> > There is examples for setting up a personal address book in LDAP under
> > Turba in ftp://ftp.kalamazoolinux.org/pub/pdf/ldapv3.pdf which is linked
> > to from the Turba page.  Obviously a personal addressbook must be
> > write-enabled to be useful.
> >
> --
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