Fwd: Re: [turba] Re: [imp] Allowing more than one person to edit addressbook

Jan Schneider jan at horde.org
Wed Aug 6 02:51:06 PDT 2003

----- Weitergeleitete Nachricht von stefan_l at sbox.tugraz.at -----
    Datum: Wed,  6 Aug 2003 11:20:55 +0200
    Von: Stefan Lemsitzer <stefan_l at sbox.tugraz.at>
Antwort an: Stefan Lemsitzer <stefan_l at sbox.tugraz.at>
 Betreff: Re: Fwd: Re: [turba] Re: [imp] Allowing more than one person to
edit addressbook
      An: Jan Schneider <jan at horde.org>


>     'public' => true,
>     'readonly' => true,
>     'admin' => array(admin),
>     'export' => true

does in fact, what I expect, but there is one feature missing:

I don't want to grant access to EVERYBODY, but just to people with a
like *@mydonain.com, because there is a second group of people, who should
granted access to another addressbook. They have then the owner_id

The Server is used for 2 different domains!!!! (or even more in future)

Understand what I mean??

thanks for your help, STefan
Stefan Lemsitzer
Student of Telematik -- Graz University of Technology
e-mail: stefan_l at sbox.tugraz.at

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