[turba] Turba Patch - allowing LDAP addresses to be added to SQL addressbooks

Rob Wiltbank chade at hopi.dtcc.edu
Mon Aug 18 17:30:25 PDT 2003

Having put this into production we've found a little glitch -- if a user 
is added into an existing list, it seems that it will corrupt that list 
and kick back this error:

A fatal error has occurred:

Unable to load the definition of Turba_Driver_.

[line 44 of /var/www/html/horde/turba/lib/Driver.php]

However, if new contacts are added into a new list, then it's fine.  Any 
thoughts on this?



*    Rob Wiltbank        * Delaware Technical & Community College *
* Application Specialist *      Computer Services Department      * 
*  chade at hopi.dtcc.edu   *          Wilmington Campus             *
*     302.571.5398       *            Lackey @ Large              *

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