[turba] Re: can't add contact using ldap

Edward Rudd eddie at omegaware.com
Sun Aug 31 14:41:44 PDT 2003

It is probably because the objectClasses you are using require the SN
attribute to be defined, and it's not being defined by Turba, so you get a
an error..  Either hack the turba source code to add in the sn attribute.
OR modify your ldap schem to make sn a MAY instead of a MUST.
For modifying Turba, add the following line into the setObject function of
the Turba_Driver_ldap class (turba/lib/Driver/ldap.php).
$attributes['sn'] = Turba::guessLastname($attributes['cn']);

And add this line in the addObject function in the same file
$attributes['sn'] = Turba::guessLastname($attributes['cn']);

On Wed, 27 Aug 2003 03:17:35 -0400, Steely, Kevin (CCI-Atlanta) wrote:

> I'm having a problem that I just can't seem to figure out.  I am using an
> LDAP shared address book.  Each user can log in and see their own address
> book without a problem.  They can also edit and delete entries without
> problems.  However, they can NOT add entries.  Looking at the output of
> slapd, I notice the following error when I hit "save" after trying to add
> an entry:
> send_ldap_result: 21::objectclass: value #0 invalid per syntax
> That line is the only thing that I notice that would cause any problems. 
> Once again, editing/deleting works fine so I'm pretty sure my ACLs are
> setup correctly.
> Thanks in advance for your assistance, Kevin Steely

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