[turba] Re: Advanced Search - turba_key contains ' ' - criteria ignored

John Dalbec jpdalbec at ysu.edu
Fri Nov 7 11:06:16 PST 2003

I don't see anything indicating that "standard Turba attribute names" shouldn't 
contain spaces.  Unless it's there and I've just missed it, something somewhere 
needs to take responsibility for URLencoding the attribute names on a 
getFormData() lookup.  Where should that be?  In getFormData itself?  In getGet 
and getPost separately?  In the code that calls getFormData?

John Dalbec wrote:

> Horde 2.2.4, Turba 1.2.1.
> Search criteria for which the $turba_key value contains a space are not 
> looking up correctly in Horde::getFormData.  Packet sniffing shows that 
> the spaces are going over the wire as '+' signs when I get (or post) the 
> form.  Is it documented somewhere that I can't use spaces?
> Thanks,
> John

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