[turba] Fatal error: Call to undefined function: getdata()

nathanf nathanf at waterandsnow.net
Mon Mar 8 21:31:13 PST 2004

I just upgraded the latest CVS (3-8-04) of:

Everything is configured (manually) and works great except when adding a new contact in turba or viewing the contact, I receive this error:

Fatal error: Call to undefined function: getdata() in /horde/turba/display.php on line 69

However, when adding a new contact, the new item does appear listed in the address book.

My system test info:

PHP Version: 4.3.4 
Ctype Support: Yes 
DOM XML Support: No 
FTP Support: Yes 
GD Support: Yes 
Gettext Support: Yes 
Iconv Support: No 
IMAP Support: Yes 
LDAP Support: Yes 
Mbstring Support: Yes 
MCAL Support: No 
Mcrypt Support: Yes 
MIME Magic Support: No 
MySQL Support: Yes 
OpenSSL Support: Yes 
PostgreSQL Support: No 
XML Support: Yes 
Zlib Support: Yes

PEAR: Yes 
(v. 1.3 from ftp.horde.org)
Recent PEAR: Yes 
Mail_RFC822: Yes 
Mail_Mime: Yes 
Log: Yes 
DB: Yes 
Net_Socket: Yes 
Date: Yes 
Auth_SASL: Yes 
HTTP_Request: Yes 
File: Yes 
Net_SMTP: Yes 
VFS: Yes 
Services_Weather: Yes 


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