[turba] Letter "Pager"
Mike Bydalek
mbydalek at zivix.com
Thu Mar 11 12:07:55 PST 2004
I have to apologize for sending the initial submission for this. We
have a few
versions of Horde running that we are constantly tweaking for customers. I
accidentally grabbed this from a wrong installation, hence the older
version of
Turba and the non-conforming coding (customers don't care =P).
Additionally, I forgot the template file, which is why you weren't getting the
A-Z listing at all. Attached is a cleaned up version along with all the
necessary files. Right now if you browse, it displays the A-Z, but if you
approve of the direction, I can add doing paging of alphabet (ie. A has 4
pages, but B has 1) to prevent a really long listing for 1 letter.
I didn't use $pager because I didn't really think it was necessary for the
alphabet, but if you think it should be that way, I can transfer it
over and go
from there.
Quoting Chuck Hagenbuch <chuck at horde.org>:
> Quoting Mike Bydalek <mbydalek at zivix.com>:
>> Instead of pages, there's an A-Z listing. You can also modify your
>> search to
>> include $page in it to help your query time (why get A-Z when you just want
>> R?). When searching, pages still exist, since it just makes sense to me.
> I have this applied locally, and it seems to be against an old version
> of Turba.
> There were a bunch of formatName() calls that were wrong, and now that I've
> fixed those, and compensated for the fact that you don't set $pager if you're
> browsing, I still don't see an A-Z listing anywhere. I'll see if I can figure
> out what's up, but fyi.
> Also, you need to take a read through horde/docs/CODING_STANDARDS for future
> submissions.
> Thanks,
> -chuck
> --
> "Regard my poor demoralized mule!" - Juan Valdez
> --
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-------------- next part --------------
*** browse.php.orig Thu Mar 11 10:14:35 2004
--- browse.php Thu Mar 11 11:12:08 2004
*** 323,333 ****
require TURBA_TEMPLATES . $template;
if (isset($display) && is_object($display)) {
require_once HORDE_LIBS . 'Horde/UI/Pager.php';
require_once HORDE_LIBS . 'Horde/Variables.php';
- $page = Util::getFormData('page', 0);
$viewurl = Util::addParameter('browse.php', array(
'sortby' => $sortby,
--- 323,333 ----
require TURBA_TEMPLATES . $template;
+ $footer = "footer.inc";
if (isset($display) && is_object($display)) {
require_once HORDE_LIBS . 'Horde/UI/Pager.php';
require_once HORDE_LIBS . 'Horde/Variables.php';
$viewurl = Util::addParameter('browse.php', array(
'sortby' => $sortby,
*** 336,365 ****
'source' => Util::getFormData('source')
! $numitem = $results->count();
! $maxpage = $prefs->getValue('maxpage');
! $perpage = $prefs->getValue('perpage');
! $min = $page * $perpage;
! while ($min > $numitem) {
! $page--;
! $min = $page * $perpage;
! }
! $max = $min + $perpage;
! $start = ($page * $perpage) + 1;
! $end = min($numitem, $start + $perpage - 1);
! $numDisplayed = $display->display($min, $max);
! $vars = &Variables::getDefaultVariables();
! $pager = &new Horde_UI_Pager('page', $vars, array('num' => $numDisplayed,
! 'url' => $viewurl,
! 'page_count' => $maxpage,
! 'perpage' => $perpage));
require TURBA_TEMPLATES . '/browse/column_footers.inc';
! require TURBA_TEMPLATES . '/browse/footer.inc';
require $registry->getParam('templates', 'horde') . '/common-footer.inc';
--- 336,378 ----
'source' => Util::getFormData('source')
! if (Util::getFormData ('key') == '**search') {
! $page = Util::getFormData('page', 0);
! $numitem = $results->count();
! $maxpage = $prefs->getValue('maxpage');
! $perpage = $prefs->getValue('perpage');
! $min = $page * $perpage;
! while ($min > $numitem) {
! $page--;
! $min = $page * $perpage;
! }
! $max = $min + $perpage;
! $start = ($page * $perpage) + 1;
! $end = min($numitem, $start + $perpage - 1);
! $numDisplayed = $display->display($min, $max);
! $vars = &Variables::getDefaultVariables();
! $pager = &new Horde_UI_Pager('page', $vars, array('num' => $numDisplayed,
! 'url' => $viewurl,
! 'page_count' => $maxpage,
! 'perpage' => $perpage));
! } else {
! $page = Util::getFormData('page', 'a');
! if (empty ($page) || !preg_match ('/^[A-Za-z]$/', $page)) {
! $page = 'a';
! }
! $display->display_alpha($page);
! $numDisplayed = $results->count();
! $footer = "footerAlpha.inc";
! }
require TURBA_TEMPLATES . '/browse/column_footers.inc';
! require TURBA_TEMPLATES . '/browse/' . $footer;
require $registry->getParam('templates', 'horde') . '/common-footer.inc';
-------------- next part --------------
<table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="1" width="100%">
<td class="control" width="100%" align="center">
for ($i = 65; $i < 91; $i++) {
if (strtoupper ($page) == chr ($i))
echo '<b>(' . chr ($i) . ')</b> ';
else {
$link = Util::addParameter ($viewurl, 'page', chr ($i));
echo Horde::link (Horde::applicationUrl ($link)) . chr ($i)
. "</a> ";
-------------- next part --------------
*** ListView.php.orig Thu Mar 11 10:23:20 2004
--- ListView.php Thu Mar 11 11:21:49 2004
*** 57,60 ****
--- 57,84 ----
return $i;
+ /**
+ * Renders the list contents that match $alpha into and HTML view.
+ *
+ * @param $alpha The letter to display.
+ */
+ function display_alpha ($alpha)
+ {
+ $this->list->reset ();
+ $stats = array ();
+ $i = 0;
+ $name = null;
+ while ($ob = $this->list->next ()) {
+ $name = Turba::formatName($ob);
+ if (strtolower($name{0}) != strtolower($alpha)) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ include $this->template;
+ $i++;
+ }
+ }
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