[turba] Need help with an LDAP filter

Benoit St-André ben at benoitst-andre.net
Thu Oct 14 13:14:59 PDT 2004

Steve Pfister a écrit :
> I'm experimenting with using Active Directory as an LDAP source in Turba.
> Everything is working great, but I would like to get a search filter working
> on it, specifically to only show entries where the email field is not blank
> (turba attribute name: "email", AD field name: "mail"). No matter what I
> try, e.g.
> 	'filter' => 'mail <> ""'
> Nothing seems to match the filter rule. If I remove the filter, everything
> shows up again. Where can I find documenation/examples for the filter()
> function?
> Thanks!
> --Steve

If you want something (but anything) in the mail field, juste use
mail = *

as filter. = * works in the presence of something.

Otherwise, for other ldap filters tips, 
(sorry, not my kind to post windows stuff, it is just well explained).
Benoit St-André
ben at benoitst-andre.net
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