[turba] multiple mysql address books

Jan Schneider jan at horde.org
Fri Oct 29 03:16:18 PDT 2004

Zitat von alan walters <alan at aillweecave.ie>:

> i have two mysql address books. both are working fine with turba, i am
> trying to get user registration information into one of them. but when i add
> a user(in horde administration) the fields that are displayed are the fields
> from turba/config/attriubutes.php and not from the sqlsorce or the address
> book that i am adding to. does anyone have an idea of how i can map these
> views so that add user adds them to this address book correctly.

Use a different signup_extra hook. One that actually fits your needs.


Do you need professional PHP or Horde consulting?

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