[turba] Re: how to search addressbooks with a multi word query?

Ben Poliakoff benp at reed.edu
Sun Feb 20 11:23:23 PST 2005

* Chuck Hagenbuch <chuck at horde.org> [20050218 20:28]:
> Quoting Ben Poliakoff <benp at reed.edu>:
> > Currently Turba (I'm using CVS HEAD) takes a search query as a single
> > literal value.  Is there an obvious way for it to take a search query as
> > a whitespace delimited list of strings which could then be cumulatively
> > constructed into an "AND" query against the addressbook?
> It'd involve code changes, we'd probably want a way to check for quoted 
> whitespace (to allow exact searches), but it wouldn't be that hard. You 
> can open an enhancement request on bugs.horde.org if you like.

Thanks, I'll file the enhancement request, my institution would probably
sponsor a small bounty on this as well.


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