[turba] Re: Browsing more than 500 entries II

Piviul pluto at flanet.org
Wed Feb 23 01:51:22 PST 2005

Thank you very Craig. Although my php and ldap knowlwdges (and of the 
English as well) are not so much deep as perhaps I need, I try to answer 
your questions to investigate the problem.

Craig White wrote:
> ----
> there are other limits - time limits and memory limits within php -
> undoubtedly you are running in to them with your fairly perverse usage.
> Suggest you experiment searching these same large searches using
> ldapsearch from the command line and making certain that it can be done
> by your ldap setup. You can capture this to a file to get a handle on
> the amounts of memory required to contain the results.

If I've well understood this is the result you asked me

$>ldapsearch -x -b ou=public-addressbok,dc=mydomain,dc=com > foo.ldif
$>dir -l foo.ldif
-rw-------    1 pico     pico       717844 Feb 23 10:02 foo.ldif

Doesn't appear to be so much heavy...

> Then, when that is working, you might look at the memory / maximum post
> sizes of php and increase them as needed.

...and the post_max_size and memory_limit parameters are set to 8M

> It would seem that your usage requires efforting on your part as it is
> doubtful that people are doing this.

I'm very happy to learn something more of the software I use.


Furthermore Andreas ask me some log. When I try to browse the 
addressbook from turba, in error.log (with PHP /error_reporting = E_ALL 
& ~E_NOTICE/) I can find:

> Allowed memory size of 8388608 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 175 bytes)

and in effect 8388608 bytes = 8M that is the memory_limit parameter I 
set. I've incresed this value to 15M and NOW ALL WORKS WELL!!!

Thank you very and very much.


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