[turba] (no subject)

Homrighausen Joaquim joho at poolia.se
Wed Jun 22 23:51:22 PDT 2005

That I haven't changed anything (to my knowledge) apart from extracting a HEAD-release (like I've been doing for years) and all of a sudden I get this. I've checked file permissions, and everything else I can/could think of.

-----Original Message-----
From:	turba-bounces at lists.horde.org on behalf of Jan Schneider
Sent:	Wed 2005-06-22 15:52
To:	turba at lists.horde.org
Subject:	Re: [turba] (no subject)
Zitat von Homrighausen Joaquim <joho at poolia.se>:

> What did I forget/do wrong.. recent HEAD (yesterday I believe) .. ?
> It's been like this for over a week (I've installed all the 
> HEAD-releases, more or less)..
> Failed to import application configuration for turba:

What of this message don't you understand?


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