[turba] How do Turba LDAP filters work?

Kevin Myer kevin_myer at iu13.org
Thu Jul 21 20:07:23 PDT 2005

Quoting Chuck Hagenbuch <chuck at horde.org>:
>> And I'm finding that for all the results returned (approximately 
>> 1400 users),
>> there is a search occuring against base="uid=uid,ou=people.." for each user.
>> This is very inefficient.
> Are you saying Turba is doing 1400 searches?

Yep.  Well, actually 1390, but close ;)

> You're going to have to say more about what exactly you're doing, how
> you're using Turba, etc, because that's not how Turba does searches.

1) Goto the search screen.  Default address book in my case is our directory

2) Hit return.  This should execute a search with no additional 
criteria applied
and return all results that match filter in sources.php and whatever you chose
to search on.  Example, with my filter set to objectclass=person, and the
search field set to name:

21/Jul/2005:22:26:38 -0400] conn=13035767 op=1 SRCH
base="ou=People,dc=iu13,dc=k12,dc=pa,dc=us" scope=1
filter="(&(objectClass=person)(&(cn=*)))" attrs="dn uid cn mail sn title o
postalAddress telephoneNumber facsimileTelephoneNumber homePostalAddress
homePhone mobile description roomNumber ou displayName labeledUri
object_pgppublickey calFBURL l

With results like:
[21/Jul/2005:22:26:39 -0400] conn=13035767 op=1 RESULT err=0 tag=101
nentries=1389 etime=1

3) Results should be returned in an array with attributes.  But...

4) For each of the entries found (1389 of them) a new search is done, 
using the
concatenation of the uid + the basedn.  I don't know why this is 
happening. But thats what Turba is doing.  So what should have been 1 
search turns into
1390 of them..  That search generically looks like:

[21/Jul/2005:22:26:43 -0400] conn=13038804 op=1 SRCH
base="uid=firstname_lastname, ou=People, dc=iu13, dc=k12, dc=pa, dc=us" 
attrs="dn uid cn mail sn title o postalAddress telephoneNumber
facsimileTelephoneNumber homePostalAddress homePhone mobile description
roomNumber ou displayName labeledUri object_pgppublickey calFBURL l"

So it looks like turba builds a list of search results, then searches 
the search
results individually.


Kevin M. Myer
Senior Systems Administrator
Lancaster-Lebanon Intermediate Unit 13  http://www.iu13.org

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