[turba] Problems with Turba, possibly error in php code

Daniel Gerzo danger at rulez.sk
Mon Nov 7 22:02:54 PST 2005

Hello Alex,

Tuesday, November 8, 2005, 5:45:26 AM, you wrote:

> Funny you should ask.  I was researching this issue today.

> From what I found, this PHP notice refers to the way Horde's code is
> written.  That is, returning a non variable reference by reference.  I
> assume this is something PHP intends on wanting developers to stop
> doing, so they have this Notice for those who try this?  I'm not too
> sure.  The details on this can be found on many PHP forums, including:

> http://fudforum.org/forum/index.php?t=msg&goto=26311&#msg_26311

> From what I've read, this issue affects those who are using Zend
> Optimizer with PHP 4.4.x.

I don't use Zend Optimizer. PHP 4.4.1 with APC with these options:


> See this page for reference:

> http://codex.gallery2.org/index.php/Gallery2:FAQ#I_get_.22Notice:_Only_variable_references_should_be_returned_by_reference_in_.22.2C_what.27s_wrong.3F

> However, my webserver was not running Zend Optimizer.  And instead of
> going through to try to change the way functions in Horde return
> variables, I decided to just suppress Notices in the error_reporting
> value.  This is in your php.ini.  However, this didn't do the trick
> for me, so I just disabled error_reporting all together, which is
> needless to say, not good.

Oh well, I don't want to disable error_reporting here :/ It should be
fixed by Turba developers.

> Any further feedback on this issue would be appreciated.

Yeah, and I would like to get more feedback about why I'm unable
to add new contacts to the Private Address Book as well.

> -Alex

>> Hello Jan,
>> Monday, November 7, 2005, 10:17:37 PM, you wrote:
>> > Zitat von Daniel Gerzo:
>> >>  I know this is only a PHP notice and it shouldn't make much harm,
>> >>  but it seems like it's the reason why I'm unable to add new contacts
>> >>  into my Private Address Book.
>> > No, it isn't.
>> Okay, but what alse should be the reason why I'm unable to add new
>> contacts to the Private Address Book? I can't see any other relevant
>> information in the httpd's error log.


Best Regards,
   Daniel Gerzo
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