[turba] question/problem about multi-valued ldap mail attribute

COMBES Julien - CETE Lyon/DI/ET/PAMELA julien.combes at i-carre.net
Mon Jan 9 07:38:55 PST 2006


First, I want to thank the horde project's team for their great job.

I use turba H3 2.0.5 (with horde 3.0.9 and kronolith, imp, ... up to 
date) on a Debian Sarge.

I have configured Turba to use my openldap directory. It works quite 
well except a little problem which has some nasty effects for me.

In my ldap directory, the mail attribute can contain multiple values for 
one user with the first address  which is considered as the principal 
mail address. For example, the user "Bob Test" has  bob.test at domain1, 
b.test at domain1 and bob.test at domain2 but bob.test at domain1 is the 
principale e-mail address.

When "Bob Test" is searched in turba, all addresses are returned, 
separated by commas. This has two consequences in my case :
  1- in IMP, when the recipients are selected with turba, the mail is 
sent to all the addresses
  2- in Kronolith, when freebusy selection is done with turba, the 
FreeBusy's page shows  as much timetables as the number of addresses in 
the mail attribute.

So, I would like to configure turba to force it to select only the first 
address (like mozilla-thunderbird does it, for example). I have searched 
on list's archives and on the net how to configure to do that, but I 
didn't find (or I missed the solution).

Is there a solution to configure turba for that type of case or do I 
have to add an other ldap mail attribute single-valued in my ldap 
directory which will contain the principal address ?


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