[turba] "Create Address Book" Error

Michael Rubinsky mike at theupstairsroom.com
Fri Mar 10 16:31:05 PST 2006

--On Friday, March 10, 2006 3:49 PM -0700 Craig White 
<craigwhite at azapple.com> wrote:
> No - each different address book must have it's own array - just as the
> localsql is one address book, you can create another sql addressbook as
> long as it has a different name - but using the same table is OK I think
> - I only use multiple LDAP address books so I am not entirely certain of
> the last issue.
> Craig

Just to make this clearer - using shares in Turba with a SQL source:

Create *one* cfgSources entry for the SQL source - the 'localsql' example 
should suffice.

Set the 'use_shares' value within that cfgSources entry  to true.

In the Turba configuration, in the 'Name of source for creating new shares' 
entry, type in the name of the cfgSources entry for the SQL source. (In 
this example, 'localsql')

This will create one 'My Address Book' entry for each user and allow the 
user to share this address book with other users as well as allow the user 
to create  new address books.

You don't need a separate SQL source set up in cfgSources for this, only if 
you wish to create a *totally* separate source, with a separate SQL table 
(perhaps to have a source with different fields).

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Thanks -

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