[turba] adding a adress with the icon

redhat redhat at techspace.nl
Sun Jul 9 08:13:10 PDT 2006

if i press the icon to add a address directly i get an error

Failed to add an object: [65] "Object class violation" DN: 
cn=test at test.nl,ou=jasper,ou=prive_adressen,dc=test,dc=nl (attributes: 
[a:4:{s:2:"cn";s:21:"test at test.nl";s:4:"mail";s:21:"test at test.nl";s:3:"uid";s:40:"20060709171006.7igt5r43cs4c at www.intranet";s:11:"objectclass";a:4:{i:0;s:3:"top";i:1;s:6:"person";i:2;s:13:"inetOrgPerson";i:3;s:20:"organizationalPerson";}}]).Charset:UTF-8

bij making the address test at test.nl trou turba there is no problem
were do i have to seach for?.

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