[turba] mailing list

webmaster@puntorosso.it webmaster at puntorosso.it
Fri Nov 17 07:13:00 PST 2006

I'm new to Turba (and horde)
my conf is:

ubuntu dapper server
kernek 2.6.15-27-686
PHP 5.1.2 (cli)

Horde 3.1.3
imp H3 4.1.3
turba H3 2.1.3

The problem
I need to manage huge group of contacts (2000/3000 contact
when i add the contact to a group it's all ok, the software
said me how many contact is added but, when I try to view
the group I can't see all, and when the number exceeding
1000 I receive an error:
Notice: unserialize() [function.unserialize]: Error at
offset 65523 of 65535 bytes in
/var/www/htdocs/horde/turba/lib/Object/Group.php on line 144

I can't find an option in the various conf files that talk
about a group number of contact limit's

We are a little publishing house and a cultural association
with thousand of associates.

Any help is appreciated

maurizio sibaud
associazione culturale punto rosso

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