[turba] Address Book setup

Otto Stolz Otto.Stolz at uni-konstanz.de
Thu Dec 7 08:58:48 PST 2006


in my Turba H3 (2.1.3) installation, I have come to the point
where turba/docs/INSTALL says:
> Use the Horde ``Administration`` menu item to get
> to the administration page, and then click on the ``Configuration`` icon to
> get the configuration page.  Select ``Address Book`` from the selection
> list of applications.  Fill in or change any configuration values as
> needed.

However, I do not understand most of the questions asked in that form,
so I cannot assess what is needed. There are neither help files nor
translations for this form, so I have to ask you for enlightenment.

> Clients
> * Name of client addressbook 	

I think I know what an addressbook is and I have defined
two of them, in turba/config/sources.php, viz.
- 'localsql' : Personal address book in SQL database
- 'localldap': our local E-Mail Directory (search-only)

But what does "*client* addressbook" mean?
(I do not understand that "client" part.)
Which of my addressbooks (if any) should I enter here?
And why am I asked for just one addressbook, here,
whilst Turba can handle multiple addressbooks?

> Shares
> Name of source for creating new shares 	

What are "shares"? Would I wish to allow them, at all?
And if so, what is expected as the "name of their source"?

> Comments
> * Can users comment on contacts?

Does that mean that those comments will go into the respective
users' personal addressbooks, so that nobody else will see them?
In this case, I tend to allow them. Or will this pose any
performance risk on my Horde + MySQL installation?

> Virtual File Storage
> * What VFS driver should we use? 	

In the Horde setup, I have defined a VFS for Imp to store
any uploaded attachments in, until they will be sent with the
respective messages.

But to which end Turba will need any file store?
And is it alright to choose "Horde defaults", in this field?

Thank you in advance for any hints.

Best wishes,
   Otto Stolz

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