[turba] Contact List Error

Todd C. Williams technology at pmi-portland.org
Tue Jan 9 06:36:51 PST 2007

I am running Turba: H3 (2.1.3) and Imp: H3 (4.1.3) from Groupware
Webmail.  I have created a contact list with two people called
testdl.  If I put that DL on the To: list and a non-DL recipient (my
personal address) on the CC: list I can send an email ok.  If I
reverse it so the DL in on the CC: list and the non-DL recipient is
on the TO: I get the error: There was an error sending your message:
Group name did not validate. I can find nothing in my DL that looks  
incorrect and do not see a bug posted like this.  Any clues?

I am asking here first and will go to the imp list if you think it  
needs to be posted there.

  Todd C. Williams

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