[turba] How to duplicate field in Turba/LDAP.

Jean-Yves Avenard jyavenard at gmail.com
Sun Jan 21 06:19:28 PST 2007


On 1/22/07, Adam Tauno Williams <adam at morrison-ind.com> wrote:
> A proper mail client would permit both;  LDAP support in all the above
> mentioned clients is rather dodgy; and mozilla has the absolute WORST
> LDAP support this world has ever seen.  The guy who developed that
> addressbook apparently didn't bother to learn the very first thing
> about LDAP.

You're looking too far compare to my original intention.

The only thing I was suggesting is that whenever I stored something
into the address field in turba, then it is copied to both
postalAddress and the street field.
When turba needs to retrieve the attribute for the address, il look in
postalAddress only.

It was only a matter in saving in two different attributes for the
sake of getting address book like the Apple one or Thunderbird to
Unfortunately I have to put up with both client.


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