[turba] creating entries

Jan Schneider jan at horde.org
Fri Feb 23 01:52:31 PST 2007

Zitat von Kevin Conley <kevinconley at northwestern.edu>:

> Thanks - that is very helpful. I think i am starting to understand.
> There is only one thing i don't really get.
> In the attributes.php where you define what fields appear in the  
> form there are types and then you can pass params.
> Is there some docs on these types and what the params do.
> For example - in a type 'text' i see a lot of:
>     'params' => array('', 40, 255)
> Now i think that first array value is the initial value right?
> The second is deplayed value for the input box and the 255 is max  
> input box length in the form?
> Is that is true what about the 'text' types that don't have a params  
> - what value do they use on the form?
> I guess i am wondering is there is more doc on these types and how  
> you can configure them - there is none in attributes.php.
> But what code file would i look at to help that might help?

This is not really documented, but all fields in the attributes are  
rendered through the Horde_Form library. You can find the parameter  
descriptions in the about() methods of the various field classes in  


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