[turba] TurbaOutlook2003 + Turba 2.1.3 (HGWE 1.0) = Contact Lists - cant add

ALFREDO GONZALEZ got2go at msn.com
Thu Apr 12 20:02:00 UTC 2007


1- I found this in Horde.log when I tried to add a contact list.

Apr 12 12:49:58 HORDE [debug] [turba] SQL query by 
Turba_Driver_sql::_save(): UPDATE turba_objects SET owner_id = ?, 
object_type = ?, object_members = ?, object_uid = ?, object_title = ?, 
object_firstname = ?, object_middlename = ?, object_lastname = ?, 
object_suffix = ?, object_company = ?, object_department = ?, 
object_jobtitle = ?, object_workstreet = ?, object_workstreet2 = ?, 
object_workstreet3 = ?, object_workcity = ?, object_workprovince = ?, 
object_workpostalcode = ?, object_workcountry = ?, object_homestreet = ?, 
object_homestreet2 = ?, object_homestreet3 = ?, object_homecity = ?, 
object_homeprovince = ?, object_homepostalcode = ?, object_homecountry = ?, 
object_otherstreet = ?, object_otherstreet2 = ?, object_otherstreet3 = ?, 
object_othercity = ?, object_otherprovince = ?, object_otherpostalcode = ?, 
object_othercountry = ?, object_assistantphone = ?, object_workfax = ?, 
object_workphone = ?, object_workphone2 = ?, object_callback = ?, 
object_carphone = ?, object_companyphone = ?, object_homefax = ?, 
object_homephone = ?, object_homephone2 = ?, object_isdn = ?, 
object_cellphone = ?, object_otherfax = ?, object_otherphone = ?, 
object_pager = ?, object_primaryphone = ?, object_radio = ?, object_ttytdd = 
?, object_telex = ?, object_anniversary = ?, object_assistant = ?, 
object_birthday = ?, object_category = ?, object_email = ?, object_email2 = 
?, object_email3 = ?, object_freebusyurl = ?, object_manager = ?, 
object_notes = ?, object_office = ?, object_profession = ?, object_spouse = 
?, object_website = ?, object_alias = ?, object_nickname = ?, 
object_pgppublickey = ?, object_smimepublickey = ? WHERE object_id = ? [on 
line 312 of "/var/www/html/horde/turba/lib/Driver/sql.php"]

There are more logs, but they all seem to be select queries.

2- database: A new record is added to the turba_objects table:
object_id | owner_id  | object_type | object_uid | object_members seem to 
have correct values.
The rest of the columns just have NULL in them.

Other than this, the address book works. We can add, edit, and delete 
records and address books.

Any ideas?

Thanks for the help.

>Anything in the logs?  What does the database look like?  What entries
>are present there?

> >
> > It now seems that creating new contact lists fails.
> > The process seems to work, and at the end we get the messages on the top 
> > the page:
> >
> > Success  Successfully created the contact list "test".
> > Success  Successfully added 1 contact(s) to list.
> >
> > And, one new contact is added to the address book, however, it is 
> > blank (all fields empty).
> >

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