[turba] TurbaOutlook2003 + Turba 2.1.3 (HGWE 1.0) = Contact Lists - cant add

Michael Rubinsky mike at theupstairsroom.com
Thu Apr 12 22:25:13 UTC 2007

Not exactly sure what your saying is wrong...if you are creating a 
contact *list*, then all the values that you mention *should* be null.  
Lists don't store the individual contact's info in the list entry, 
rather they contain a list of object_ids that point to the list 
members.  What does the field object_members contain?

> Hello,
> 1- I found this in Horde.log when I tried to add a contact list.
> Apr 12 12:49:58 HORDE [debug] [turba] SQL query by 
> Turba_Driver_sql::_save(): UPDATE turba_objects SET owner_id = ?, 
> object_type = ?, object_members = ?, object_uid = ?, object_title = ?, 
> object_firstname = ?, object_middlename = ?, object_lastname = ?, 
> object_suffix = ?, object_company = ?, object_department = ?, 
> object_jobtitle = ?, object_workstreet = ?, object_workstreet2 = ?, 
> object_workstreet3 = ?, object_workcity = ?, object_workprovince = ?, 
> object_workpostalcode = ?, object_workcountry = ?, object_homestreet = ?, 
> object_homestreet2 = ?, object_homestreet3 = ?, object_homecity = ?, 
> object_homeprovince = ?, object_homepostalcode = ?, object_homecountry = ?, 
> object_otherstreet = ?, object_otherstreet2 = ?, object_otherstreet3 = ?, 
> object_othercity = ?, object_otherprovince = ?, object_otherpostalcode = ?, 
> object_othercountry = ?, object_assistantphone = ?, object_workfax = ?, 
> object_workphone = ?, object_workphone2 = ?, object_callback = ?, 
> object_carphone = ?, object_companyphone = ?, object_homefax = ?, 
> object_homephone = ?, object_homephone2 = ?, object_isdn = ?, 
> object_cellphone = ?, object_otherfax = ?, object_otherphone = ?, 
> object_pager = ?, object_primaryphone = ?, object_radio = ?, object_ttytdd = 
> ?, object_telex = ?, object_anniversary = ?, object_assistant = ?, 
> object_birthday = ?, object_category = ?, object_email = ?, object_email2 = 
> ?, object_email3 = ?, object_freebusyurl = ?, object_manager = ?, 
> object_notes = ?, object_office = ?, object_profession = ?, object_spouse = 
> ?, object_website = ?, object_alias = ?, object_nickname = ?, 
> object_pgppublickey = ?, object_smimepublickey = ? WHERE object_id = ? [on 
> line 312 of "/var/www/html/horde/turba/lib/Driver/sql.php"]
> There are more logs, but they all seem to be select queries.
> 2- database: A new record is added to the turba_objects table:
> object_id | owner_id  | object_type | object_uid | object_members seem to 
> have correct values.
> The rest of the columns just have NULL in them.
> Other than this, the address book works. We can add, edit, and delete 
> records and address books.
> Any ideas?
> Thanks for the help.
>> Anything in the logs?  What does the database look like?  What entries
>> are present there?
>>> It now seems that creating new contact lists fails.
>>> The process seems to work, and at the end we get the messages on the top 
>> of
>>> the page:
>>> Success  Successfully created the contact list "test".
>>> Success  Successfully added 1 contact(s) to list.
>>> And, one new contact is added to the address book, however, it is 
>> totally
>>> blank (all fields empty).


The Horde Project (www.horde.org)
mrubinsk at horde.org

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