[turba] Problem with turba addressbook

Michael Rubinsky mike at theupstairsroom.com
Fri Jul 13 14:28:02 UTC 2007

Quoting Helmut Schiefer <helmut at 4Schiefer.de>:

> Hi Mike,
> thanks for your reply.
> The users can't add this address book because they didn't seen it.
> The Box behind "Choose which address books to display, and in what
> order:" is completely empty. I didn't see any address book in this box.
> The Box "This will be the default address book when adding or
> importing contacts. "
> shows the wanted address book.
> Any Idea?

I don't know much about LDAP, but I have a feeling that your prefs are  
somehow corrupt. I would try resetting that pref in your backend.   
Don't know how to do that in LDAP stored prefs though.

> Thanks for help.
> Helmut
> Quoting Michael Rubinsky <mike at theupstairsroom.com>:
>> Quoting Helmut Schiefer <helmut at 4Schiefer.de>:
>>> Hi folk,
>>> maybe somebody can help me. I create a address book  called
>>> "Allgemeine Adresse".
>>> A short look to the datatree says following:
>>> Array
>>> (
>>> )
>>> Array (
>>>  [0] => Array (
>>>  [name] => params
>>>  [key] =>
>>>  [value] => a:1:{s:6:"source";s:8:"localsql";}
>>> )
>>> [1] => Array
>>> (
>>> [name] => owner
>>> [key] =>
>>> [value] => helmut
>>> )
>>> [2] => Array
>>> (
>>> [name] => name
>>> [key] =>
>>> [value] => Allgemeine Adressen
>>>  )
>>> [3] => Array
>>> ( [name] => desc
>>> [key] =>
>>> [value] => Allgemeine Adressen
>>> )
>>> [4] => Array
>>> (
>>> [name] => perm_users
>>> [key] => fee
>>> [value] => 6
>>> )
>>> [5] => Array
>>> (
>>> [name] => perm_users
>>> [key] => uschi
>>> [value] => 14
>>> )
>>> [6] => Array
>>> (
>>> [name] => perm_users
>>> [key] => holger
>>> [value] => 14
>>> )
>>> [7] => Array
>>> (
>>> [name] => perm_users
>>> [key] => helmut
>>> [value] => 30
>>> )
>>> [8] => Array
>>> (
>>> [name] => perm_users
>>> [key] => alex
>>> [value] => 14
>>> )
>>> [9] => Array
>>> (
>>> [name] => perm_type
>>> [key] =>
>>> [value] => matrix
>>> )
>>> My Problem: Nobody of the named user can use these address book. I'm
>>> looking many nights to found problem but i didn't find it.
>>> Any Idea?
>> Did you check to be sure that each of those users has added this
>> address book to their addressbook pref setting?  Options -> Address
>> Book (Turba) -> Addressbooks make sure the address book is listed in
>>  the box that says something like "Use these address books in this
>> order"
>> Thanks,
>> mike
>> --
>> The Horde Project (www.horde.org)
>> mrubinsk at horde.org
>> "Time just hates me. That's why it made me an adult." - Josh Joplin
> Mit freundlichen Grüßen
> Helmut Schiefer
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The Horde Project (www.horde.org)
mrubinsk at horde.org

"Time just hates me. That's why it made me an adult." - Josh Joplin
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