[turba] addressbooks defined in sources.php ignored,

Michael Rubinsky mike at theupstairsroom.com
Tue Oct 23 16:21:53 UTC 2007

Quoting Marcus Frischherz <marcus at casaberg.at>:

> Hi,
> I migrated some time ago from a previous version of horde, imp and turba
> to a more recent one (due to a PHP upgarde to 5.2). Since then I am
> unable to access my shared LDAP address book. Yesterday I upgraded
> horde, imp and turba using cvs to the current versions.
> I authenticate against imapd and use LDAP only for a shared address book.
> It seems that turba is completely ignoring the entries in
> config/sources.php (even syntax errors put there on purpose to see an
> effect are ignored). When I go to PHP shell, scope address book, and put
> print_r($cfgSources);
> I can see a source, which is not in sources.php (horde is set up to use
> MySQL as prefs backend, I can see with above command something derived
> from the horde prefs sql backend).
> I put a very high debug level on the slapd config, and I never see any
> activity caused by turba on the ldap server, neither on logging on, nor
> on any menu actions in turba, except when running the php commands in
> turba/scripts/upgrades. They seem to be able to access my ldap server
> just fine. However, it doesn't help.
> What can I do in order to ensure, that turba is actually honoring my
> sources.php entry? I have only the ldap source there, and deleted
> everything else.

At the risk of pointing out the obvious, check to make sure that you  
are indeed making changes to turba/config/sources.php and not the  
sources.php.dist file...for the symptoms you describe, it appears  
Turba is accessing a sources.php file other than the one you are  


The Horde Project (www.horde.org)
mrubinsk at horde.org

"Time just hates me. That's why it made me an adult." - Josh Joplin
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