[turba] Disappearing contacts from all the personal address books

Andras Galos galosa at netinform.hu
Fri Nov 30 22:05:04 UTC 2007

Michael Rubinsky wrote:
> You need to replace only the entries in horde_datatree_attributes where 
> the datatree_id = the datatree_id in the horde_datatree table of the 
> "default" address book entries for each user (The ones that have 
> group_uid="horde.shares.turba" and the datatree_name = the horde username.

Yes, for testing I replaced my uid field, and all the contacts came 
back. Thank you Mike for your patient help.
I'm in doubt with the integrity of these tables now. Is there a good way 
to do an integrity check in the datatree tables? Records are related to 
each other, and now, as it seems (at least) the 
horde_datatree_attributes table got corrupted, I can not be sure that 
only these values are missing.

> Obviously the bigger concern would be what happened to your database to 
> prune all those datatree_attributes entries...otherwise you might end up 
> having to go through this again.

Yes. I have only one idea. I wrote the user management system that 
creates and removes users on this host, this is the only application 
that has write access to the horde tables. If something went wrong 
there, then that could end up removing innocent entries.
I probably should look around in the Horde system to see if there is a 
method to remove user entries from the database after the deletion of a 
mailbox. If there is, then I should use that.

Best regards,
Andras Galos

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