[turba] browse view entry sorting

Liam Hoekenga liamr at deathstar.org
Wed Jan 30 15:43:09 UTC 2008

> Yes, and that's exactly how it *is* sorted, by default.  Check that 
> your prefs.php file is up to date and the sortorder pref isn't set to 
> anything strange and locked.
My data appears to be formated properly..

horde at mysql horde> select owner_id, object_firstname, object_lastname 
from turba_objects where owner_id = 'liamr';
| owner_id | object_firstname | object_lastname              |
| liamr    | Liam             | Hoekenga                     |

The sort order preference looks ok...

// user preferred sorting column
// serialized array of hashes containing 'field' and 'ascending' keys
$_prefs['sortorder'] = array(
    'value' => 
    'locked' => false,
    'shared' => false,
    'type' => 'implicit',

but strangely does not show up as on option in my prefs screen.   Nor do 
I see any errors in the php error log, or the horde log.

I checked my prefs.. I deleted the sortby and sortdir prefs, and notice 
I have "upgradeprefs" and "upgradelists" hanging out in 
turba_maintenance_tasks, but I've never been asked to run them (and I do 
have maintenance enabled currently).

Any other ideas?  I haven't changed any code in turba.


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