[turba] browse view entry sorting
Michael Rubinsky
mrubinsk at horde.org
Wed Jan 30 19:18:53 UTC 2008
Quoting Liam Hoekenga <liamr at deathstar.org>:
>> Yes, and that's exactly how it *is* sorted, by default. Check that
>> your prefs.php file is up to date and the sortorder pref isn't set to
>> anything strange and locked.
> My data appears to be formated properly..
> horde at mysql horde> select owner_id, object_firstname, object_lastname
> from turba_objects where owner_id = 'liamr';
> +----------+------------------+------------------------------+
> | owner_id | object_firstname | object_lastname |
> +----------+------------------+------------------------------+
> | liamr | Liam | Hoekenga |
> The sort order preference looks ok...
> // user preferred sorting column
> // serialized array of hashes containing 'field' and 'ascending' keys
> $_prefs['sortorder'] = array(
> 'value' =>
> 'a:1:{i:0;a:2:{s:5:"field";s:8:"lastname";s:9:"ascending";b:1;}}'
> ,
> 'locked' => false,
> 'shared' => false,
> 'type' => 'implicit',
> );
> but strangely does not show up as on option in my prefs screen. Nor do
> I see any errors in the php error log, or the horde log.
> I checked my prefs.. I deleted the sortby and sortdir prefs, and notice
> I have "upgradeprefs" and "upgradelists" hanging out in
> turba_maintenance_tasks, but I've never been asked to run them (and I do
> have maintenance enabled currently).
> Any other ideas? I haven't changed any code in turba.
Ok. Figured out the issue. Is your Name Format pref set to "Firstname
It seems that firstname is used as sort order when you have it set
that way. Can you open a ticket on bugs.horde.org for this?
The Horde Project (www.horde.org)
mrubinsk at horde.org
"Time just hates me. That's why it made me an adult." - Josh Joplin
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