[turba] Adding SIP/VoIP contact field

Chuck Hagenbuch chuck at horde.org
Thu Apr 10 15:52:54 UTC 2008

Quoting Paolo Cravero <pcravero at as2594.net>:

> I would like to add an optional field to contacts: SIP (or VoIP) clickable
> contact information. Something like skype://meeee or sip://uuxyz .
> We're using a SQL backend, so I suppose we would have to add a new
> "object_voip" field to turba_objects table.

Yup, and then add the field definition to config/attributes.php. Or  
you could use one of the existing phone fields, though I guess if it's  
a skype username you couldn't.

> When the contact is displayed, the SIP URI would be clickable so that a
> click-to-call function is implemented. Even in IMP... perhaps with a hook?

Not sure where you're seeing the contact displayed in IMP?

But for the rest, if you use a 'phone' field type for the new field,  
you can implement a "telephony/dial" registry method (see  
http://wiki.horde.org/CustomizeApis for how to implement API methods)  
that produces the dialing link.

You could write a similar form field type and varrenderer  
implementation for skype or sip, with similar API calls for  
customizable clicks (probably not needed for skype; if sip:// is a  
standard URL format then we wouldn't need it there either. The  
telephony call is customizable since difference installs are going to  
have different click-to-dial methods.

> If this feature (actually two features) has chances to enter the main Turba
> branch I could code it, with some proper hints on where to touch the code.

Sure, see if the above makes sense to you and let us know if you have  
further questions.


"I have concerns that we are not behaving like a mature, responsible,  
collection of interdependent organisms." - Rick O.

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