[turba] problems w/ $prefs['perpage'] w/ turba 2.2rc3 and HEAD

Michael Rubinsky mrubinsk at horde.org
Wed Apr 23 21:14:22 UTC 2008

Quoting Liam Hoekenga <liamr at umich.edu>:

> $prefs['perpage'] doesn't seem to be doing what (I think) it's  
> designed to do.
> The description...
>      "Number of items per page"
> ...makes me think that it will only show /x/ number of items per page.
>   For values > x, you'll see multiple pages.

What it is actually saying is "If there are more than x entries,  
display the alpha pager"  I think paging *within* the alpha pager  
would be difficult with the current code.

Looking at the code, I think the intended behavior is to display the  
alpha pager when browsing if we have > x entries and display the  
number pager if we have > x search results.  Why that's not happening  
on the search results is a different matter...


The Horde Project (www.horde.org)
mrubinsk at horde.org

"Time just hates me. That's why it made me an adult." - Josh Joplin
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